Yesterday was a day to remember. Watching the coverage of the Inauguration, watching the absolute sea of people cheering and celebrating a day that so many never believed that they would see in their lifetime. I was just amazed. I remember watching the day JFK was inaugurated, the day he was assassinated, the day Martin Luther King gave his speech as well as the day his life was snuffed out, and knew that these were part of those events that made this day possible in the conscious of the American People in many ways. One thing that struck me as the most meaningful though was something that no analist, anchor, interviewer or commentator remarked about. Even with the historic precident of this event, even with the sea of humanity having their collective eyes focused on this rare and intelegent human being, here was a man who was genuinely in love with his wife, and she with him. Throughout the speaches, throughout the walks, throughout the events, you could see evidence of genuine affection between them, and it almost fet at times like you had stumbled into a very private moment by mistake. In my book, that makes the man perhaps th finest to hold that office in the history of the office.
Nuff politics- on to the day of food and movement. It was a good one . Began with 20 minutes work on the Wii fit with balance and yoga followed by Breakfast :

Oatmeal with almonds and sunflower seeds, goji berries,coconut,wheat bran,crasins,
flax meal Wheat bran and olive oil ,Yo plus digestive yogert, water& coffee
Then out for a 20 minute walk, and 10 minutes on the bike while watching the coverage. I would have done more but my son kept asking all kinds of questions about the day and the process, and we had to hit Google for clarifications on several things. Being a homeschooling mom losing weight sometimes means you set your sights for ideal but realize you wind up doing just pretty darned good.

Lunch was a Veggie omlette with egg beaters, asparagus, zuchinni,mushrooms,onions,peppers
Nonfat yogert with cocoa powde and splenda,apple , Diet Sierra mist. A pretty filling meal, but for some reason I struggled with ravious hungries all afternoon. I suspect that TOM is coming ( and has been trying to start for about 2 weeks now), so i reached for on program sorts of foods to try to shut the monster up
TLC bar ,water, Yo digestive plus yogert, celery, carrots,hummus,sugar free pudding
nonfat yogert with cocoa powder and splenda. Nothing seemed to shut it up though. I felt like I could eat linoleum or an engine, and if they could be coated in chocolate so much the better !

Polenta, Pork and red peppers, green beans, tossed salad
Diet Sierra mist
For dinner I tried something different- Polenta in the crock pot. Definately easy, delishious and satisfying !!! The original said it served 8 to 10 so I just made a third of the amount and rather than chill and fry it I simply spread it on the plate to use as a bed for other things. Everyone loved it and my son asked if we could please, please PLEASE have this some mornings for breakfast. It is a definate winner !
Crockpot Polenta
By: Lisa W
2 to 3 tablespoons Olive or Canola oil
1/4 teaspoon paprika
dash cayenne pepper
6 cups boiling water
2 cups cornmeal
2 teaspoons salt
Spray the walls of the crock pot. Turn to high. Measure ingredients and
add to crock pot with the rest of the oil. Stir well; cover and cook on
low for 6 to 9 hours (2 to 3 hours on high), stirring occasionally. To
fry, chill in a sprayed loaf pan and cut into 1/4" slices. Fry in in
sprayed skillet until browned. Serves 8 to 10.
So the day wound up with a lot to remeber and reflect on, a lot of hope to carry as well as 16 servings of filling foods and 96 oz of water and 50 minutes of exercise. Yay me !