Sunday, March 8, 2009

Scale games to reveal energy matters

Strange, strange things have been happening here. And let's face it, something is strange only till it is fully understood. It is true in cooking, true in mundane matters like transportation and communication, and I have a strong suspicion, matters of weight loss as well. Yesterday.s weigh in numbers held true only for a few moments. Son went in and had a BM, and lost all of the weight he supposedly gained for the week, which is a pretty normal thing for a lot of people. He did not mention that he felt the need, so I just had him weigh in with the rest of us. From a point of physics and scientific data, output means weight loss. Shortly after that we ate breakfast , and after that I decided to weigh myself to see just what a meal did to me. Input should mean gain, right ? It did. Two pounds, which is about normal for a meal when you factor in water and beverages. Shortly after that, without ingesting anything or exercising, I had to go, and it was a healthy experience, shall we say. So just to amuse myself I stepped on the scale to see how much had passed. I gained 4 pounds. Yep, gained four. My first reaction was What in the heck is going on ???? How can you have less mass on your person and gain weight ?

The answer, I belive, has something to do with the energetic body. This is a system of road maps that direct the flow of energy throughout the body. Accupuncture, accupressure and Chiropractic medicin works with this system.In a normal human being the energy flows in a continuous circit. When illness or trauma or a variety of experiences happens to somehow impair something in that system, energy gets stuck and it causes a physical reaction or response. This is one reason why things like back problems or whiplash cause so many seemingly unrelated reactions in the body. Once the damage is repaired, the energy flows freely again and balance is restored. I am going throuh menpopause, and it is nor simply a matter of yourperiods stopping forever. The entire endocrine system starts to change to deal with the absence of the work of your ovaries, and things get very wiggy. Eventually it balances out, but the transition time is rough.

Suddenly, some things are starting to make sense to me in a way that may not to most other people. I have to rethink my approach to this and use tools that support the current conditions of my body. Strength training is one , and even though it did not bring weight loss this week as far as numbers, it brought about lower measurments because of toning and the overal feeling of wellness. That definately stays. The stationary bike is going to go. For all the time I have spent on it this time around, it has not brought any weight loss for me. Last time , when I lost 110 pounds, it worked wonders. I was about 20 ears younger at that time and my body behaved very different. This time the approach seems to need to be strength and flexibility. So enter in....
yoga ! Youga not only works with flexibility and building core strength, but the movements and muscular contractions work to tone the meridians of the energetic body. In my case, I belive it is going to be the most beneficial thing I can do. It is also something that we can all do together as a family. My son has loved doing the few yoga moves that he has been exposed to in his life, and he definately could use a boost in the flexibility department. Hubby has never been that flexible, and with age he is experincing a lot of painful movements as a result. So yesterday we purchased The Biggest Loser Weight loss yoga DVD and two yoga mats - these are nessiary on our carpeted floors because we keep slipping on the rug when you try to do plank exercises or so forth. I am also going to start applying some of the energy medicine tachniques that I have used in healping others to my own body. It should prove to be beneficial in many ways, no matter what the scale may say next week.


Hollie said...

I have had the BL Yoga DVD since the day it came out, but have never even watched it! That is one of the things I'd like to do during my vacation time.

Di said...

It is very deceptive ! You watch it and it looks like it will be really easy- and the warm up is. Then the Level One starts, and within 5 minutes you start to feel muscles you never knew you had ! Yesterday we could only get 15 minutes of it done, today it was 5 minutes and my muscles were begging for mercy.I am going o give it a rest tomorrow and do Jillian's Ultimate Fitness game and my rowing thing. I will pick up the yoga DVD on Wednesday .