Breakfast- Sunday special with a twist
Crockpot grains- wheat berries, barley, steel cut oats cooked with milk powder,water,brown sugar and cinnamon in the crock pot, topped with crasins,pecans,coconut,ground flax,
goji berries, special drak chocolate chips,1 T peanut butter and olive oil
Yo plus digestive yogurt,water,coffee
After I did my thing I jumped on the Wii fit for some exercise. Wii weigh in -0.6 ! It is still going down so I am hoping I will see a loss next Saturday. I did the Ultimate balance test and stopped because I really wanted to read my belly fat diet ( monosaturated fatty acids are the clue as well as eating every 4 hours- not much different from what I have been told is nessisary to overcome adrenal fatuige). Then the guys came home, and my son was all excited because they were going to have a screening of Fireproof at the church next week. First step , feed them lunch

Grilled veggie salad ( eggplant, portabello,sweet potaotes,avacado,hummus and seed mix on spring mix)
blueberries,Alpine lace reduced fat cheese
Diet Sierra Mist
During lunch, son kept insisting that we need to go see this movie. Fireproof, in case you do not know, is about a young couple who said I do and then stopped doing just that. They stopped caring, hearing each other and were filing for a divorce, but through something called The Love Dare they saved their marriage. Well, we are not having any problems, but my son gets very easily wowed by any kind of current campaign at that church. Not a bad thing, but dangerous territory for me to deal with. I am not a Christian, have not been for most of my life, but yet my husband and son are, and I can become very sarcastic when I discuss things.We both understand and respect each others beliefs and usually live in complete harmony with the differences. Makes for double holiday celebrations and all that.One thing if you are in a mixed faith marriage- sarcasm is not fair in the rules of communication. The discussion was finding me becoming increasingly not fair, and I stopped. I realized this was hurting my hubby's feelings, baffling my son, and doing a lot of potential damage.My main objective was taking my 16 yr old son to a public screening of this movie where there may be discussions afterwords that he is not really ready to hear emotionally or intellectually yet. I thought it would be safer if he saw this movie at home with us. So , seems I discovered I had forgotten a few grocery things, rather than head to the woods we would go to Super Target to by the food and see if they had a copy of the movie and skip the planned walk in the woods. There were a few hours to kill before the game and it would be a good film for my son to see as well. It is done by a Christian film company , so no danger of anything R rated or worse.
So we found the film and watched it.I have to say the only thing I could say against it is the potential merchandising blitz that may come from it. I recommend it highly to any couple. Son got bored and left, so hubby and I wound up discussing a couple of points in the movie on our own. Then it was suddenly game time, and dinner

Turkey pastrami and provolone lettuce wrap
marinate mushrooms,mozzarella and tomato salad, celery and carrots
Son got bored with the game and left again,so we kept talking and, well, suddenly we kind of forgot that there was a game at all. Much like when we were dating. We used to use the excuse that we were going to go watch the game in his room so we could get comfortable, and for some reason we never learned the outcome of a single game we watched together. Oh well. I did see two really funny commercials though. The one for Dorritos and the one for Monster .com. Other than that , was there a game ????
Rest of the particulars for the day
walk 60 min- walking around Target so not quite the same as a work out, but got me moving
Filling foods 15
water 12
5 almonds
1 c non fat yogert,2 T cocoa powder,2 T spelnda
17 almonds
apple, sugar free pudding with 10 dark chocolate chips
My husband and I are going to go and see Fireproof on the 14th, over at our church. I keep hearing nice things about it, so I'm looking forward to watching it. :o )
It is a very good movie and can bring up a lot of discussion no matter how long you are together. I am glad we bought the DVD because it is one that I think repeat viewings of could be a very useful and healthy thing.
Haven't seen the movie yet, but it's in my Netflix queue.
BTW, I picked up the bike trailer on Craigslist for very cheap ($35) about two years ago. I modified it by cutting a piece of MDF to fit inside for a floor (after unbuckling/ disconnecting the child seat harnesses) and added a Rubbermaid tote to hold the groceries. I did have to cut down the front of the tote to make the cover fit properly (in case of rain).
Please feel free to email me if you need any more info! I would be more than happy to help!
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