Thursday, September 10, 2009

Housework if done properly will kill you

Back to routines yesterday. Breaks are good for giving you a new perspective, but really bad for work loads afterwords ! I spent a lot of time in catch up yesterday as a result.

Breakfast was a breakfast sundae- half a cup cottage cheese, half cup of blueberries and one cup of the new Special K with blueberries cereal. Quick, filling and low calorie. Coffee with evaporated milk accompanied ( we ran out of creamer )

Our school morning was very productive, with both chemistry and geometry being smooth sailing. Lunch was another filling, low calorie high protein option

Egg salad on an Arnolds Thin, a cup of alphabet soup, celery, carrots and pickles on the side. Egg salad was simply 3 eggs for the two of us, boiled and chopped and mixed with 1 tablespoon mayonnaise and 1 tablespoon nonfat yogurt.

School finished a little early and I got to jump into the tasks that I did not do on our two days off. Frantic in some moments, and I kept being concerned that I was going to have no time do do even walking. Things like the dirty toilet, grimy sink and dust bunnies gathering in the corners kept me afraid to turn my back on them long enough to do any kind of work out.

So it was catch up on housework some what, catch up on paperwork, get up to look for this, get up to put away that, get up to make this and so on and so forth.Around snacktime my stomach was growling , so I grabbed my usual.Then back to the grind- now where did I set down that post it note ? Oh yeah- on the Swiffer !

Dinner was chicken caccitore, cauliflower "rice" and steamed spinach.Low calorie, lo carb and decent in protein. Another plus is that everyone here really likes this one !

After dinner it was make lunch, get things ready for the next day and check my Nintendo Personal Trainer Walking Pedometer to see how I did. With this you are able to set a step target for the day , and I was expecting not to make it. Surprise ! I did ! I went way over that target. Just goes to show that you can get in exercise without a gym. Just doing your own housework and cooking your own meals will get you a lot of movement.

Snack was an apple, a Fiber Plus Bar and a cup of vanilla yogert with cocoa powder and ground flax. Add cocoa powder to vanilla yogurt and you have something that tastes like pudding, but is better for you.

I am hoping to get in more walking today, but if not I don't think I will stress as much about it, seeing how many steps I get in with just a normal day here at the ranch !


Anonymous said...

I love those Arnold Thins - I keep forgetting to buy them!

How do you make your cauliflower rice? Do you put it in a potato ricer??

Congrats on your weight loss so far! :D

Di said...

To make the cauliflower rice you run raw cauliflower through the food processor, and then cook it in 1 cup water,1 t margarine, 2 T soup base, 1 t dried onion,1 pk splenda, 1/8 t tumeric, 1/4 t garlic and 1 tsp parsley. Bring the liquid to a boil, toss in the cauliflower and stir for about 5 minutes. Most of the liquid will evaporate, but some will not so strain it off ( I forgot to last night). It does not taste like califlower, does not taste like rice, but is really tasty as a low carb sort of side.

Retta said...

I really need to try those Arnold Thins!!!
I will be announcing a contest on my "Losing My Body Fat" blog tomorrow. I hope to see you there!