Thursday, September 17, 2009


Day three of eating at a 2000 calorie level , and I am noticing some definite changes. I am not going to even peak at the scale till my usual Saturday weigh in , so till then I am judging the affects in non scale ways. It feels like my body is working correctly. It's hard to completely pinpoint or describe it seems. Imagine if you will a stream that has a fair amount of walls half blocking its flow ( I think they would be called baffles) and places where there is a slight hill in the stream bed and the resulting water is of a more shallow depth. That is how I was feeling, and now it feels like the hills have been flattened and the baffles removed. I just feel like I am working again, and I feel like I have a lot more energy most of the day.

Yesterday I wound up getting in a yoga workout, plus walking an indoor mile ala Leslie Samsone , getting a large chunk of the housecleaning done plus homeschool and Reiki work. It was a good day.

I began the day with a breakfast sundae- 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 3/4 cup blueberries, 1 cup of Rice Chex and coffee. I guess I am still a little kid at heart because I love swirling together things in a bowl before I eat it. Watch the colors change and meld !

While breakfast was yummy, it did not have enough calories for my needs so mid morning I grabbed a snack of a Bartlett pear and lite string cheese. I say too light in calories because I am breaking my day into 466 calories per meal and 2 300 calorie snacks through the day to get me to the 2000 calorie level and keep my blood sugar levels consistant. Doing this also helps to keep your metabolisim working properly through the day.

Lunch was 2 oz turkey ham, 1 oz swiss cheese on an Arnolds and warmed, a tomato, carrot celery stalk and cucumber, a clementine, a 100 calorie pack of almonds and a diet soda. I cannot belive how much I love cucumbers these days. Just the right level of crunch and wet.

Afternoon snack found me wanting something crunchy, so I opted for an apple, a probiotic yogert and 16 mini caramel rice cakes. This snack was a mistake- too high carbs and not enough protein. My stomach became FIERCELY hungry about an hour after eating this, and the hunger because so strong that I started feeling dizzy , shaky and lightheaded. Note to self- do not do this again !

It is a crazy week here for my husband because of a major software change in the company , choir commitments and a wedding he is preforming on Saturday, and things get scrambled. He thought he was going to have to be in meetings late and have just a quick window of opportunity to come home and pick up son to go to choir rehearsal, but it got confused with another day and I had not planned on a dinner for the family, so he picked up Polo Loco Chicken. Wonderful, healthy, citrus marinated grilled chicken with BBQ black beans, coleslaw and corn tortillas, and a bonus BBQ wing on the side. I was ravenous by this time and basically inhaled my plate !

The guys went to choir and I spent the evening doing reiki work , half watching an old movie and flipping to Ghost Hunters. Good move as the caught some pretty compelling evidence on film. Always exciting when that happens !

Let's make today another good one !


Diane, Fit to the Finish said...

When I was in the process of losing all my weight, sometimes I could just "feel" it coming off. Much like you described.

Your meals look so tasty and healthy. Good job!

Di said...

Many years ago I lost 110 pounds, and things felt like this when I was losing. I got so confident in the feeling that I skipped the scale and just kept on doing what I was doing till my family begged me to step on the scale to see how much I lost. At that point I discovered I lost 65 pounds. I think our bodies get something I call "the sweet spot" with weight loss where everything just works perfectly and weight loss just begins to flow. And thanks for the kudos on the meals- I am trying to insure that we get a healthy mix of food while we are doing this.