Sunday, July 19, 2009

Weigh in

Had a nice but long day up at moms with the computer reformat.Sadly lots of sitting on my butt time, but kept eating to good and healthy choices in proper portions.

Yesterday morning was weigh in- and the amount of inflammation I am experiencing at the moment really showed on the scale.

Me-up 2.8 . My bad knee was almost double the size of the good knee. It is still painful today but going down a lot in size
Hubby- down 1.2
son down 0.4

Plan for today is a Sunday at home after hubby gets back from singing at services.I am going to try to do as much gentle walking as my knee will allow to help it get back to normal. A little yoga is probably a good idea as well.


JC said...

Hope you have a wonderful relaxing day and praying your knee gets back to normal quickly. Don't fret the weight it will come off. Somehow in my errand/shopping/walking of yesterday I did something to my right ankle. It really hurts this morning but it isn't swollen. OH THE JOYS OF MIDLIFE. HA!

Di said...

Oh OUCH ! Hope you feel better soon !