Saturday, December 12, 2009

Pre vacation weigh in

Another opening, another show....scratch that. Another Saturday, another weigh in

Me- DOWN 0.2 ( yes, a loss is a loss, but this feels like bunny fluff)
Hubby -DOWN 0.4 ( more bunny fluff)
Son- UP 0.8 ( obviously he found the bunny fluff, picked it up and is looking for a place to put it)

I am glad with the upheaval of the week that I did not gain and that my son did not have a serious gain. Hubby is on vacation this week and next, and while we have no travel plans, things can get kind of slack while you go through down time. My goal for the next three weeks is to not gain if at all possible. If there is a loss of any weight I will be very pleased.


Marisa (Loser for Life) said...

Yep, a loss is a loss, Diane! It all counts :)

Enjoy your week with the hubs!

I like your goal of not-gaining. I think it's reasonable considering the holidays!

Also, just wanted to say thank you for all of your insightful comments on my blog!

Yum Yucky said...

haha! Bunny Fluff. I love it. And loves when it's lost too!