Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Salads , which appear to be healthy, can be a bigger calorie hit then a cheeseburger and fries.One reason is the inclusion of high fat cheeses and so forth in an attempt to give them flavor. Problem is, fat does not bring out flavor, but instead bully all other flavors in a dish with a heaviness and salt. They bring a lot of extra calories to the party in the process. The addition of cheese and other such things is a time saving move to bring on the flavor. If you decide to take a little extra time, you can bring out the flavor of simple vegetables through roasting , and when placed warm on a bed of lettuce, you never miss things like cheese !

One favorite meal here lately is Grilled Meat and Roast vegetable salad

I took a zucchini, a white eggplant, fennel, leeks, asparagus, mushrooms, assorted peppers and placed them on a cookie sheet, drizzled with balsamic vinegar and roasted them at 375 or 40 minutes. When they were almost done I grilled a sirloin steak ( any meat, fish or tofu would work- I imagine this would be awesome with grilled salmon) and sliced it into strips. On each plate I placed a handful of cut romaine /arugula mix, topped with a portion of roast veggies and
grilled meat. A yummy, healthy and low fat meal .

1 comment:

Diane, Fit to the Finish said...

Yum! So do you not put any oil when you roast the veggies? Just vinegar? That looks amazing.