Sunday, August 2, 2009

End the summer with bread

Tomorrow we are going to begin our school year. It seems early to many, but I have found for us one of the best strategies is to start early so that we do not get tripped up with the holiday season. With the pool not opening this year and no real plans of any kind, summer is sort of an idea who has been left on the shelf a little too long , and is starting to attract fruit flies.

I am going to try a different method this year with school, and between subjects force a 5 minute walk break. Will be good to clear the head, get the blood pumping and hopefully help to burn the calories better. Son did really well last week, and hopefully this will keep up the momentum.

Today is officially a food disaster, and one of those few times a year when it is sanctioned to be so. It is Lughnasadh, an ancient Irish harvest festival that focuses on grains. We had crockpot grains for dinner and lunch is going to be 10 different kinds of bread served with real butter, beer for the adults, and lots of berries. No use even attempting to count this one. Some hummus willo be involved as well as mozzerella balls , pesto and more. Dinner will be broiled chicken breasts and steamed veggies and any leftover bread. Tomorrow is back on plan. I am not going to feel guilty for this one- I am just going to enjoy and focus on all of the wonderful things I have harvested in my life this year.

1 comment:

JC said...

Yummmm I love bread!!!!