Thursday, March 5, 2009

Some changes

Sometimes you have to do things to streamline life a little .

I found that keeping my food log and exercise log on a hard copy instead of on the computer is going to be much more "user friendly" to me than keeping it on the computer. For one thing it is permanent and if there is a problem I will be able to pinpoint the problem easier. Second, weird as it may sound, one of my most prized possessions was the food log I kept from my weight loss journey in order to get pregnant. It sounds odd, but to me it has always symbolized the time in my life when I fought the hardest for a goal and won. Isn't it funny how you attach meanings to things ?So I won't be posting my food logs anymore. Second, I noticed as I was uploading pictures the last few days, pictures really eat up ram, and if I keep going at this rate I will run out of space on my blog by about August. It would be lovely tho think that we will all be at our goal weight by then, but it is not realistic. So if you will still be following this blog, you are going to get more glimpses into me instead of the things I eat and just statistics for exercise. I think it will be fun.

I have been focusing more on strength training these days , and i am finding that therin lies the true state of my body. This human machine that could , at one time carry a 120 pound canoe PLUS a 75 pound food pack on her back and walk a quarter of a mile without trouble is now an official wimp. Age, sedintary life and needing to focus more brains than braun on life are what did it. Hand weights I can do without problem, but when you put me to task with something like the Plank, well then the fun begins. The first one I thought I was going to die, but realized that this is exactly what I need to strenghten my non existant core muscles. Second day I wondered if I would break my nose if my legs wimped out doing this move. Third day I was able to hold it a little better , and it just keeps imroving. Gee, perhaps one day I might work myself up all the way to Abs of Jello !!! Not looking for washboard abs, but it would be nice to look down and see something that no longer resembles the infamous Mount Wash Me pile that the washboard could tackle.

I am also reaching a food rut. We seem to be eating exactly the same thing every day, and while this is very good for meal planning and bugeting, my brain is begining to feel like if I see one more meal of chicken and salad on my plate I will scream. We have to watch sodium, we have to watch allergens ( I am allergic to fish and shellfish), we have to watch calories, we have to get in the health goals, and it makes for some really narrow choices when you also figure in finances. I have a recipe software program that has about 20,000 recipies I have loaded in, and all I have to do is sit myself down and go through it for some new ideas. Problem is with that, it makes me very hungry reading all these recipies. Watching Food Network does the same thing. So I am trying to figure on some new ideas on my own.

Wish me luck !


Marisa @Loser for Life said...

I get in food ruts, too! A major food rut a couple of years ago prompted me to go vegetarian for a while! It was fun researching all those neat foods, but then I discovered that chocolate and cheese were vegetarian and the weight loss went down the drain from there ;)

I know what you mean about the Food Network (I've given it up for Lent - hahaha!).

Di said...

We have done both vegetarian and vegan diets in the past, and neither works well for us healthwise. However, a few vegetarian options during the week work just fine. I think all my problems could be easily solved with a 48 hr day, 12 bedroom house and an afternoon to be able to think in a complete sentence.Why can't I just download an uber efficient mommy brain with personal life upgrades ???