Saturday, October 24, 2009

Weigh in

It seems no matter what I do , my hormones are in charge, and there is absolutely no way to break the cycle.

Weigh in - UP 1.6

If I up exercise, I gain. If I lower calories, I gain. If my hormones are at the right point in the cycle I lose no matter what I eat, how much I move or anything else. If they are at the other end of the cycle I gain no matter how much I move, how little I eat or anything else. It has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with attitude, behaviors, chemical ingredients, genetically modified foods, good or bad fats. For me it is determined by three tiny little glands in my body that secrete chemicals powerful enough to pull the solar system out of orbit, and until two small almond shaped ones stop functioning ( my ovaries) there is nothing I can do about it.


Marisa @Loser for Life said...

Diane, I can imagine how extremely frustrating that is for you. Just know that what you are doing is healthy and good for your body, no matter what the poopy head scale says ;)

Anonymous said...

My first visit to your blog and I am so happy for you and your family and that you all are getting healthy. Keep up the good work. I am currently working on losing pounds myself. I have never been overweight but, when my son passed away I could not eat and them when I could eat again I did not stop. I gained 75 pounds. I am once again eating healthy and feeling better.

Diane, Fit to the Finish said...

I can hear your frustration and I'm so sorry. I also feel that you are working so hard to get healthy that your hard work will be rewarded.

Have you ever read Jody Fit at
51's blog? She talks a lot about hormonal challenges. (She is a female body builder and not trying to lose, but has a great attitude.)

Take care and I hope that you will stay strong.